التدخل لدى مجلس حقوق الانسان

عادة ما يأتي انخراط مركز بديل في أعمال مجلس حقوق الانسان التابع للأمم المتحدة على شكل تقديم تقارير مكتوبة ومقروءة، بالإضافة الى عقد فعاليات جانبية على هامش جلسات المجلس. يسعى بديل عبر هذه التقارير الى جلب إنتباه المجلس إلى الجرائم والإنتهاكات المتعددة التي ترتكبها إسرائيل ضد الشعب الفلسطيني، ولحثّ المجلس على اتخاذ خطوات دولية ملموسة وعملية لمحاسبة إسرائيل على جرائمها.

Joint Written Statement, UNHRC, 21st, Item #7 (28 September 2012): Human Rights Abuses in the Seam Zones
Joint Written Statement, UNHRC, 21st, Item #7 (28 September 2012): Human Rights Abuses in the Seam Zones
Joint Written Statement, UNHRC, 21st, Item #7 (September 2012): Escalation in Forcible Transfer and Demolitions in Area C
Joint Written Statement, UNHRC, 21st, Item #7 (September 2012): Escalation in Forcible Transfer and Demolitions in Area C
Oral Statement, UNHRC, 21st, Item #4 (September 2012):Palestinian Refugees from Syria
Oral Statement, UNHRC, 21st, Item #4 (September 2012):Palestinian Refugees from Syria
Joint Universal Periodic Review (UPR), UNHRC, 15th, (16 July 2012): Israel's failure to implement Recommendations from UPR
Joint Universal Periodic Review (UPR), UNHRC, 15th, (16 July 2012): Israel's failure to implement Recommendations from UPR
Written Statement, UNHRC, 20th, Item #7 (June 2012): Israeli Settlement Policies and Forcible Population Transfer
Written Statement, UNHRC, 20th, Item #7 (June 2012): Israeli Settlement Policies and Forcible Population Transfer
Joint open letter, UNHRC, (10 May 2012): Violations of Palestinian Prisoners' Human Rights
Joint open letter, UNHRC, (10 May 2012): Violations of Palestinian Prisoners' Human Rights
Joint Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #3 (23 March 2012): Statement to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Joint Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #3 (23 March 2012): Statement to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
Joint Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #7 (19 March 2012): Israeli Apartheid and Settlements
Joint Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #7 (19 March 2012): Israeli Apartheid and Settlements
Written Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #7 (9 March 2012): Concentration and Containment of Palestinians by Israel
Written Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #7 (9 March 2012): Concentration and Containment of Palestinians by Israel
Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #2&3 (February 2012): Indigenous Palestinian Bedouins and Israel’s policy of Ongoing Forcible Displacement
Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #2&3 (February 2012): Indigenous Palestinian Bedouins and Israel’s policy of Ongoing Forcible Displacement
Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #7 (February 2012): Israel’s ongoing siege of Gaza
Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th, Item #7 (February 2012): Israel’s ongoing siege of Gaza
BADIL's Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th session, (23 March 2012): Indigenous Palestinian People are living under an Israeli system of Apartheid, Occupation and Colonisation
BADIL's Oral Statement, UNHRC, 19th session, (23 March 2012): Indigenous Palestinian People are living under an Israeli system of Apartheid, Occupation and Colonisation