التدخل لدى مجلس حقوق الانسان

عادة ما يأتي انخراط مركز بديل في أعمال مجلس حقوق الانسان التابع للأمم المتحدة على شكل تقديم تقارير مكتوبة ومقروءة، بالإضافة الى عقد فعاليات جانبية على هامش جلسات المجلس. يسعى بديل عبر هذه التقارير الى جلب إنتباه المجلس إلى الجرائم والإنتهاكات المتعددة التي ترتكبها إسرائيل ضد الشعب الفلسطيني، ولحثّ المجلس على اتخاذ خطوات دولية ملموسة وعملية لمحاسبة إسرائيل على جرائمها.

BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #7 (15 March 2023): The Excessive Use of Force by Israel
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #7 (15 March 2023): The Excessive Use of Force by Israel
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #3 (15 March 2023): Countering Terrorism and Human Rights
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #3 (15 March 2023): Countering Terrorism and Human Rights
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #3 (15 March 2023): Countering Terrorism and Human Rights
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #3 (15 March 2023): Countering Terrorism and Human Rights
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #2 (8 March 2023): Excessive Use Of Force and The Responsibility Of Israel and  The International Community
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #2 (8 March 2023): Excessive Use Of Force and The Responsibility Of Israel and The International Community
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #2 (8 March 2023): Suppression of Palestinian Resistance and the Denial of the Right of Self-Determination
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 52nd, Item #2 (8 March 2023): Suppression of Palestinian Resistance and the Denial of the Right of Self-Determination
BADIL’s Submission to the UNHRC's UPR, October 2022: Israeli Colonial-Apartheid Policies and Practices that Deny the Right of Self-Determination of the Palestinian People
BADIL’s Submission to the UNHRC's UPR, October 2022: Israeli Colonial-Apartheid Policies and Practices that Deny the Right of Self-Determination of the Palestinian People
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 51th, Item #7 (September 2022): EU-Israeli Memorandum of Understanding
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 51th, Item #7 (September 2022): EU-Israeli Memorandum of Understanding
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 51th, Item #7 (3 October 2022): Israeli Exploitation of Palestinian Resources Violates Their Rights to Self-Determination and Return
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 51th, Item #7 (3 October 2022): Israeli Exploitation of Palestinian Resources Violates Their Rights to Self-Determination and Return
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (25 June 2022): The Ongoing Phenomenon of Palestinian Internal Displacement
BADIL’s Written Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (25 June 2022): The Ongoing Phenomenon of Palestinian Internal Displacement
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (25 June 2022): The Ongoing Phenomenon of Palestinian Internally Displacement
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (25 June 2022): The Ongoing Phenomenon of Palestinian Internally Displacement
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (24 June 2022): Shrinking Space: Freedom of  Opinion and Expression
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (24 June 2022): Shrinking Space: Freedom of Opinion and Expression
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (23 June 2022): Upholding the Rights of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Responsibility of Lebanon, Israel, and the International Community
BADIL’s Oral Statement, UNHRC, 50th, Item #3 (23 June 2022): Upholding the Rights of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: Responsibility of Lebanon, Israel, and the International Community