Press Releases

While Israel Celebrates "Jerusalem Day" We Reject the Occupation of the City

BADIL Resource Center
22 May 1998

On Sunday 24 May, Israel celebrates "Jerusalem Day", i.e. the annexation of East Jerusalem by force through the occupation of the city and the application of Israeli law to the Palestinian inhabitants and on the Palestinian land.

Jerusalem is an occupied city according to International Law, legal and moral norms.  Continued Israeli policies to judaize the city will not make the city a "united" one, nor will it live in peace under occupation.

Jerusalemites face serverely racist Israeli practices, just because they are Palestinians.  Israel confiscates their identity cards and their natural right to live in the city, and expels them from Jerusalem by ways and means based on the power of occupation.  This practice will - with time - bring additional tragedies to the city and its inhabitants.

We reject the policies of judaization and demand that the international community pressure the Israeli state to implement the UN resolutions which reaffirm the international concensus that East Jerusalem is part of the 1967 occupied territories and call for its return to Palestinian jurisdiction.

Lobby for Palestinian Women's Rights in Jerusalem

Jerusalem, 22 May 1998