Press Releases
The Al-Awda Youth Forum holds the 2nd meeting of 2019

The Al-Awda Youth Forum held it second meeting at BADIL on 23-24 May. The Al-Awda Youth Forum is a Palestinian youth framework supported by BADIL. The focus of these meetings was to develop a program and structure for future activities of the Forum based on thematically selected priorities and interests.
The members have acquired knowledge and skills from multiple training programs designed in cooperation with BADIL. The Forum is a platform led by youth for youth and new members are recruited by the core group on a rolling basis. The first day was spent welcoming new members and going over the rules and structure of the Forum. The youth suggested the implementation of an educational day – an activity based day that targets teenagers 15-17 years old to raise their awareness regarding Palestinian identity and the unity of the Palestinian people. The focus will be on skill building, combined with lectures held by the Forum members and BADIL staff. The youth will use the knowledge and skills they have obtained during previous trainings.
The second day was a follow up to the first day and included a distribution of the tasks and responsibilities that the members will implement within the framework of the educational day.