Press Releases

BADIL Participates in Palestine Day Activities in Belfast, Ireland, Reinforcing the Need for Sanctions
BADIL Participates in Palestine Day Activities in Belfast, Ireland, Reinforcing the Need for Sanctions

In cooperation with the Ireland Palestinian Solidarity Campaign (IPSC), Belfast Branch, BADIL Resource Center attended the Palestine Day Festival as the key note speaker. BADIL applauded the IPSC for their significant solidarity efforts that include a wide range of direct actions that have been implemented consistently since the start of Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip.


BADIL highlighted that since the Irish government considers its self to be an ally of Palestine and the Palestinian people, it has an increased obligation to impose sanctions on Israel and stressed the need for an escalation of direct actions, in order to achieve this.


The activities of the Palestine Day which occurred on 8 August, spanned the entire day and included movie screenings, panel discussions, art exhibits and fundraising for IPSC-Belfast. BADIL’s intervention at the main panel which was attended by over 100 people, highlighted the current context in the Gaza Strip, through the lens of international law and principles, calling for a rights-based decolonization approach in all of Mandatory Palestine as the fulfillment of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people.  


Prior to the event, BADIL met with Sein Finn and People Before Profit political party representatives, as well as Irish civil society organizations, including those active in Kairos Ireland and support for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.


BADIL expresses its sincere gratitude and appreciation for the IPSC – a historic and strategic partner – for their continuous and vital solidarity.