Press Releases

Under the false claims of self-defense and counter terrorism, Israel is committing international crimes
Under the false claims of self-defense and counter terrorism, Israel is committing international crimes

Israeli military actions in Jenin, under the guise of ‘self-defense’ and ‘counter terrorism’ constitute the violation of multiple human rights and more importantly, international crimes. These crimes which also suppress Palestinian resistance include: terrorizing, maiming and killing protected people; mass and unjustified destruction of civilian objects and infrastructure; and the forcible transfer of thousands of Palestinians and secondary transfer of Palestinian refugees.  

Concerning its ‘security measures’ in Jenin and elsewhere in the Palestinian territory it has colonized since 1967, Israel cannot claim it is acting in self-defense, since Israel holds the position of the occupier in a 55-year-old established occupation. The right to self-defense is often invoked by Israel to justify its illegal operations in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), however, as the power colonizing the oPt, Israel cannot invoke this right to justify its actions in Jenin.

Palestinians, as an occupied people, are protected persons under Article 4 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and as such, must be protected against all acts of violence and threats and “shall at all times be humanely treated,” as enshrined in Article 27 of the same convention.

Further, the Palestinian people are under a colonial-apartheid regime established by Israel, that constantly and systematically denies their inalienable right to self-determination. The Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and the Israeli denial of this right are the unquestionable and foundational source of the legitimacy and legality of Palestinian resistance according to UNGA Resolution 3070 (XXVIII) of 1973.

Thus, allegations of countering terrorism are false Israeli claims spread to trigger international support and to justify the commission of international crimes. As such, all declarations made by powerful western states concerning Israel’s right to self–defense and countering terrorism, or those statements describing the Israeli attack on Jenin as a ‘security operation’ are a form of complicity with the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime.      

It is the responsibility of the United Nations, its member states and other third parties to take practical actions to end the illegal Israeli military attack on Jenin city, and in particular Jenin refugee camp. 

These practical measures include but are not limited to:

  1. Impose sanctions on Israel to bring it in line with its responsibilities under international law, including compensation for the mass destruction, damages, death, and injury it has caused;
  2. Reaffirm the right of the Palestinian people to resist foreign domination and oppression in the pursuit of the right to self-determination;
  3. Put Israel on the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ annual "list of shame" for its grave violations against the Palestinian people. 
  4. Provide effective physical and legal protection to the Palestinian population, particularly in Jenin and those being forcibly transferred.