Press Releases
Originally called ‘Article 74’ in reference to Article 74 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions, which protects the right to family reunification, al-Majdal was renamed in 2001 to reflect the changing dynamics of residency and refugee rights advocacy in Palestine. Addressing a variety of topics from BDS to restitution rights, from Gaza disengagement to the situation of Palestinian refugees in exile, al-Majdal aims to raise public awareness and support for a just solution to Palestinian residency and refugee issues.
This new issue, number 60, is entitled “Shrinking Spaces in Palestine: An Israeli Colonial Strategy to De-Politicize Palestinian Civil Society”. It discusses the environment of shrinking spaces in which Palestinian civil society has to operate. Providing a historical understanding of Palestinian civil society and its role in resisting Israeli colonialism, the articles in this issue further analyse the tools and strategies used by both the Israeli colonial-apartheid regime and the international donor community to delegitimize civil society and to depoliticize the Palestinian narrative. Finally, the impact of these strategies on the independence and political sovereignty of Palestinian civil society are also addressed.