Press Releases

BADIL’s participation in the 19th Human Rights Council Session (including videos)

The 19th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) took place from the 27th of February to the 23rd of March 2012. BADIL participated actively in the event and submitted two written statements, five oral statements as well a (co-) organized and took part in two side events. Furthermore, BADIL engaged productively with various stake holders and participants of official delegations in addition to numerous members of the international civil society.

This HRC session was an important opportunity for BADIL to promote its 2012 advocacy strategy and to uphold the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, in particular the right of return of the over seven million Palestinian refugees. BADIL focused on illustrating Israel’s practice of apartheid and its ongoing policy of population transfer. Additionally, the joint side event by the Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organizations was an important step towards strengthening BADIL’s national advocacy efforts in cooperation with other significant Palestinian human rights organizations.

I. Written Statements

  1. BADIL’s written statement, “Concentration and Containment of the Palestinian People in Israel Proper and the oPt (Item 7).
  2. Joint written statement by the Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organizations (PCHRO), “Israel’s Policies Increase Levels of Forcible Transfer in the oPt (Item 7).

II. Oral Statements

  1. BADIL’s oral statement, “Indigenous Palestinian Bedouins and Israel’s policy of Ongoing Forcible Displacement” (Item 2 and3).
  2. BADIL’s oral statement, “Indigenous Palestinian People are living under an Israeli system of apartheid, occupation and colonisation(Panel on Declaration of Rights of Minorities (res 18/3)).
  3. BADIL’s oral statement, “Israel’s ongoing siege of Gaza” Item 7).
  4. BADIL’s and Addameer’s joint statement, “Arbitrary Detention” (Item 3).
  5. Joint oral statement by the Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organizations (PCHRO), “On Item 7” (Item 7).

III. Side events

  1. Joint side event by the Palestinian Council of Human Rights Organizations (PCHRO), “The Case of Palestinians in Israeli Prisons” (19.03.12).
  2. Joint side event by Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l'amitié entre les peuples (MRAP) and BADIL,“Follow-up to the Goldstone Report“ (20.03.12).

IV. Videos on Demand

  1. Oral statement by BADIL, Item 2 (cont.) - 14th Meeting, 19th Session Human Rights Council (02 March 2012)
  2. Joint oral stamen by BADIL and Addameer , ID on Arbitary Detention and IDPs - 21st Meeting, 19th Session (07 March 2012)
  3. Oral statement by BADIL, GD Item:7 45th meeting, 19th Session (19 March 2012)